

Just finished this one...

I'll try to at least do weekly updates. My goal is to make posts talking each time about one specific car!

So yeah, I got a bunch of old Majorettes to restore, and this one just took about one week.
I recently bought Testors transparent decals sheet, it was time to use them!

This one is a Dodge Pompier, produced from 1973 to 1978. Since he got "button type" wheels, it's not of the originals. But what was original about this one was the lack of the decals on the doors, because usually those trucks came with decals. I tried to keep it as original as possible, especially color-wise, but i of course added some personal tweaks :) Ladder was missing, i took the ladder of an old Land Rover Pompier by Majorette.

Enough talked, Enjoy the pics!

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