

[Restauration] Majorette Land-Rover Defender

Just a little project i finished today! Here's the real deal i tried to reproduce :

And here's what i just did, enjoy the pics!


  1. I really like your blog. Your models all look fantastic, and the pictures are superb!

    Per your inquiry, the MCF is

    Come check it out!

  2. WOW, this looks amazing! Amazing attention to detail!

    I loved Majorette when I was a kid… but recently they’ve fallen in quality when compared to when they were made in France. Wrote about it in one of my articles called Matchbox vs Hot Wheels vs Majorette Toy Cars But to cut it short, 4 reasons why I no longer buy them :(
    1. First off the bottom is sometimes not made from metal while it used to be. 2.Secondly, before the doors used to be able to open on most of their cars while now that’s a rarity in comparison.
    3.Thirdly the wheel base/suspension is not as strong as it used to be.
    4. The price is almost double than for Hot Wheels or Matchbox and practically the same as for Siku while the quality of Majorette cars is no where near Siku in my opinion
